Consultation about information or doubts related to the school services.
A manifestation of disagreement with a conduct or activity that is considered irregular.
Demand for a remedy for an improper provision or lack of attention to a request.
Proposal to improve service in any area of the school.
Expression of satisfaction with the provision of a service.
For us it is essential to know your opinion regarding the services provided, so we can implement actions that allow us to strengthen our processes and provide our families with a superior service.
Friend Line is our channel for handling Petitions, Complaints, Claims, Suggestions and Compliments (PQRSF).
For more information write an email to:
Oriente Campus
Avenida Las Palmas Indiana Mall Km. 2 Vía La Fe
Poblado Campus
Calle 11 sur #29E – 197, El Poblado.
Vermont School © 2025
Vermont School is part of the Cognita family of Schools