
Safe Future Programme

A protection programme developed by Redcol and Colmena which responds to an expressed need in our community to serve the self-employed and employed segment with a solution to cover their school costs when fortuitous events can affect a family’s income flow.

It is a programme that allows in a superior way to cover all scenarios of these two stakeholder groups and enables coverage in a real way from their conditions and types of situations/contracts it covers.



Covers 3 months of pension against unemployment or temporary total disability.

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Once enrolled in the programme, coverage is activated on the 61st day of enrolment.


Covers dismissal without just cause, non-renewal and mutual agreement.

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You do not need to justify further unemployment to activate the benefit.


It can be taken multiple times during the school period (minimum 6 months between each coverage).

Campus El Retiro

Campus El Poblado


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